About myself |
About: I'm a fun loving guy n a creative person and full of optimism. My generosity is enviable and makes me a popular person i guess so!!! Olwayz in Peace! Although, I can be very emotional and vulnerable to the will of others bt nt really dat emotional who lovez to Cheer Others n b with them especially en times when they r in distress MusicMovies: Evil Dead Series,House of Wax,The Hills Have Eyes, Spiderman Series,Harry Potter Series,KalHoNaHO,Ma Hoo Na,The Fast N The Furious Tokyo Drift 3, Mission Impossible III, SWAT,Swordfish,Haunted Mansion,Anacondas2,Mean Girls,BOO, Hercules,Ring, House of Death,Grudge,AVP , Urban Legend,Seige, Terminator(I II III),Ghost ,Spy Kids3,Lord Of the Rings, Star Wars,Troy,Naked Weapon2,Asassins, Devils Town,City of Angels,Bad BOys, School Of Rock,A Walk to Remember, Italian Job,A Bourn Ultimatum,Wedding Crashers,Lissie Mcguire, Art of War, American Pie sereis,MIssion Impossible, Commandoes Behind the Enemy LInes,Julius Cesar, KIng Lear,Pearl Harbour, What a GIrl wants,Gangster ,Family,Water,Bunti aur Babli,No Entry,Garam Masala,Masti, Shoot out at Lhokandvala,Jhankar BEets, ZInda,Awarapan (Awesome Movie i hav eva seen),Hey Baby!!! Bee Movie, American Gangster, Saw IV, 30 Days of Night, Taree Zameen par n many more.... ...... Interests: Me a very deep person and enjoy meaningful discussions. MaBestFeatures: i'M the one that many people count on. I am always there to listen and help people and aren't afraid to let ma opinions be heard (although i try not to hurt anyone). I quite often give advice to those who seek it, and quite wise. I am mostly calm, but can get mad every now and then.very easy going and don't get mad easily, but when i do, watch out ! lolz!Dreams: LoVe is WheN You DoN't WaNt To Go 2 SleeP... BeCauSe ReaLiTy iS BettEr ThAn a DreAm...
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